Off Road: Round 4
Off Road Motorsports in a Good Light
August 27th 2006
By Joe Lanute
by Mandy Lanute
Page , Results
o skull and cross bones.
No blood dripping logos.
high decibel heavy metal music.
Just good
dirty fun. Where horsepower on this day
was optional, traction was manditory.With an inch
of rain on Saturday morning and sustained drizzles through out the afternoon
the terrain at Fox Valley Off Road saw to it that
there would be plenty of dirty fun. The crew at Fox Valley and Team Megacross
made some last minute adjustments to the course to help keep the tract safe and
to prevent any excessive “log jams” at the bottom of the hills. A vigilant
Course Marshall and crews on utility quads kept the competitors moving but the
power washers were going to be working overtime all week.
In keeping with a formula
that works well, the quads started the fun on Sunday morning. It takes a tough
person to wrestle a quad through the woods for an hour, but throw about ten to
twenty pounds of mud on top of one and it can be a bit like wrestling a bear on
wheels. The two big guns of four wheeling left first, Ian Pavelonis
and Kevin Johnson wrestled not only their rolling bears but Forest Burkitt
from 4 Wheel B class, Forest stayed in the hunt with Ian and Kevin for first
place overall, often times with just seconds separating them. Ian clinched the
overall, Kevin grabbed second and
took third on the day.
John McCarrens
took home second in 4 Wheel B with Dave Brooks right
behind him. Shane Gaunt was the lone bear in the 200 class and he settled in
for a fourth overall. 4 Wheel 35 saw seven competitors, Dan Birkit
brought them home and Jim Groehof added a second
place to his resume. 4 Wheel C had a sizeable line up and Zach Haggert
turned in some impressive lap times on his way to the podium. If we had a
podium, Bill Lewallen and Brad Whitfield would have
joined him.
There was the local GNCC
racer Jeff
sighting. Was he wearing camouflage or was that mud all over him? His
“Grizzly” must have got the better of him? His roll changed this
weekend, putting UP caution tape and keeping
the course going smooth on the west side. We
did hear a mumble about "it sucks to watch".
Watching Thumpers in the
mud can make your sides hurt. Watching a guy dressed
the devil, on a Thumper, in the mud, can cause you to wonder,
did the devil really make him do that?
That, being big guys on little bikes, and they had quite a day. The
trio of Caleb Russell, Jeremy Petoskey, and John Conely
did battle again, which, if this persists, we will have to do a new form of
starts.., know by age, with the oldest
leaving first and the next in age 15 seconds behind, etc......hmmmmm.????
Fox Valley Cycles, Conely
(pictured) finished seconds behind Petoskey, with Russell winning by over a
minute. 4th place went to the ever durable Doug Johnson, and 5th to Bret
Wilkinson. Ken Loews finally came back and kept Brett, and Doug honest. Mark Sketetee
finish 7th and all of 3-7th place were on the same minute. Thumper class
has become a phenomenom that can not be explained,
but when asked, everyone in the class is smiling and having a great day,
rain or shine!
About an hour of
"wheel packing" on the 50cc course made it more passable and fun, a
couple quads did the duty which made the course much better for the parents!
15 young lions attacked the course with Cody Kennedey
taking the lead, Kinklear, Graham,
and Hall's cycles Jarred Hall in hot pursuit. As these oung
guns raced the smaller circuit, the intensity was at a high level. Hall went
down hard, but got up and regained the race. Kennedy wins, Hall second, Kinklear
third. Dylan Boyd and Nick Christman rounded out
the top 5.
As the little ones were
giving the new and improved kiddies track a work out, the 85’s, 65 seniors,
Woman were lined up on the East side. With the drop of a hat (some guys still
fall for that) the 85’s were off.
The boys pounded out nine
laps with Jacob Kelsey (who is just back from Loretta Lynn's MX
championship and tried some HS racing.) slinging
mud, grass and wood chips at any one who got close to him, he and Ben Schmidt
made the log look like a speed bump. When it was over, Jacob had the first, Ben
second and Dave Brackney brought in third.
65 Senior was a nail biter
for Team Ward, Travis got off to a slow start, when asked what happened,
“they were all stuck on that hill, so I shut my off my bike, took my goggles
off and waited until it was clear, after that is was a good race.”
Following a hard riding and seasoned Blake Bradford who had the hole shot and
held the lead for 6 of 7 laps, Travis made up his less then stellar first lap
by methodically working his way through the check points, picking up time and
speed as he chewed his way into second place and finally making a last lap pass
to bring home top honors. Blake can hold his head high; he too charged the
course with no fear and put out one of the best races I have seen him run at
FVOR. Today, four-stroke lack of power was evened out by slick and wet
Jake Seibert and Randi
Bailey put out a good show for third and fourth. While Paige
and Jonathon Searl shored up the rest of the class,
one guy we know crashed at the first down hill, bent everything that would
bend, spilled three more times on his way to the Supercross
track and called it quits after taking a long ride over some short handle bars.
He will be back.
Woman’s class may have been small but it almost spanned three generations. Cindi
Seibert was the matriarch, Theresa Lanute played
the part of the teenager and Jordin Eustace was the
crafty kid. Jordin proved just how crafty she could
be, she kept moving through the course at a even
pace and never let herself be bogged down, a well deserved win. Cindi
made her way through for a third place and Theresa, (the teenager) who rarely
listens to her father’s advise “Don’t race at
on Saturday night, you will be tired on Sunday” Proved her father right.
One guy who did race on
Saturday night and wasn’t showing signs of being tired Sunday morning was
Jessie Keith in the 86-Open A Class. He, Trye Verado
and Derek Toberman, mixed it up with the AA team of
Rick Kinnelaar and Jeremy Smith. These five
veterans made it look easy, and made it exciting to watch. Jay Hall had a class
stopping crash in the first corner, taking out all but 2 of the AA and A
riders, Hall stated, “I went into that corner hard,
had a good drive, then boom it was like someone just yanked the
front end out from under me”. After Jay's exiting start we had multiple
lead changes, swift laps and near flawless execution under less the perfect
conditions. At the end of the hour and a half, it was Trye
for the overall and first in 86-Open, Rick for first in AA and second overall
followed by Jessie’s second in 86-Open and third overall.
Jeremy Smith secured
second in AA and he always gives a good show.
Jeff Snedecor
on his mud colored Yamaha topped John Stichnoth and
Bill Heitman for + 30 A.
Working the home
check point is usually an uneventful job. It does offer a chance to ingest
non-fatal doses of pre-mix, some dust and exhaust, besides, pulling out
wood chips from my legs caused by the roost of two hundred riders gives me
something to do the rest of the week. My apologies to the rider I barked at
when he sent my right arm into the cornfield, really, it only took a few
moments to put it back into the socket. I would have been more forgiving for it
not been a quad wrestler who earlier had applied full front brakes at the
exact moment he stopped on my foot. Of course being the fool I am, was
wearing street shoes in an effort to be comfortable, yet stylish.
Rounding out the rest of
the big bikes, Josh Rhodes averaged near 15 miles per hour with his assault in
86-200 B. We may be looking out for him in A next
year. Paul Mitzelfelt and Bob Koscielski
one and two for + 30 B.
Tom Burtle
was tops in + 40 A, Casey Carroll engineered a first
in 201- Open B.
Plus 50, the old folks
home of hare scrambles was led by Bob Schnathorst
and Rodger Carroll. Of
I have to say something nice about Bob Mitchell (he slips me a few bucks).
86-200 C is always a good time and no one enjoyed it more then Bob Johnson. He
enjoyed it because he won. Luke Loitz and Danny Brachney
enjoyed keeping him honest and Theresa Lanute
didn’t enjoy any of it from where she was stuck. But take heart dear; imagine
how the guy you beat feels.
Overall the day went well,
rain held off long enough for the course to tack up and work in well.
Next up will be Megacross in September, then
the final round of the FVOR Hare Scramble Series is October 8th. Watch
the web site for special things to happen. Play day and awards banquet
planned for November 12th. Have a great Labor day